In-Person Consultation For Female or Male Factor Infertility, Repeated Miscarriage or IVF Prep

Closeup of a sunflower
Closeup of a sunflower

In-Person Consultation For Female or Male Factor Infertility, Repeated Miscarriage or IVF Prep


Studies Have Proven This Method Twice as Effective As IVF and 3x as Fast

Package Includes:

* Up to 30 minute private, personalized consultation
* One Acupuncture session during consultation
* Personalized Review of Current Diagnosis and Symptoms, Past Labs, Recommend New Labs or Procedures
* Customized Fertility Enhancement Plan
* Two follow up brief chats (10 minutes) or emails with support staff to clarify any remaining questions

(This choice includes your personalized fertility enhancement customized by Your Infertility Specialist aka "The Babymaker" Kristen Burris. This does not include: medications, herbal medicine, supplements or additional lab work. This choice costs less than the online choice to offset some of the cost associated with airline flight purchase. All purchases are optional)

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